A Christmas Snow is a heartwarming and emotional film that has become a beloved holiday classic. After release, the film was quickly picked up for distribution by Exploration Films and has been a staple of Christmas movie marathons ever since. The film follows Kathleen, a woman who has been carrying around the pain of her…
14 Things That Confirm The Bible
For centuries now, Bible scholars have been puzzled as to where the real Mount Sinai is located. Most people are unaware of the fact that not one shred of evidence has been discovered to prove that what is called “Mount Sinai” in the Sinai Peninsula is indeed the famed mountain of Exodus. Several proposed sites…
Downloadable Exploration Films Catalog
Downloadable Exploration Films Catalog
Our Recent Telly Awards
“ The Gentle Bear Man of Emo” Documentary Award (Left) “The Gentle Bear Man of Emo” Wildlife/Nature Award (Right) While the story isn’t set to release until 2012 it’s been making the rounds at film festival and production award competitions. We are happy that it is being warmly received. We’ve also been surveying our audience and the…
Incredible Creatures That DEFINE DESIGN
Production is underway on a new series called “Incredible Creatures That DEFINE DESIGN.” Shooting was underway last week with Host Rossi Morealle (Discovery Channel “Junkyard Wars” , CMT’s “Can You Duet”, Military Channel “Heart of The Machine”) in Colorado Springs. Based on a concept called Biomimicry, a process of examining nature to take inspiration from…